Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Cambodia's great, I was volunteering for 3 weeks in Siem Reap and it was alright. I know it was for a great cause and everything, but the guy in charge, Phil, just was really arrogant and it was really hard to meet other volunteers. That plus some other thing made it difficult to really enjoy volunteering.

Then I met up with my intrepid group and we went to Kompong Cham and stayed a night in this little village. We hiked like and hour uphill to get to this awesome waterfall. I swam and then saw a vine and decided to try and swing from it. It didn't seem very slippery when I first grabbed it, but then when I pushed off to swing, my hands totally slipped and I fell into the rocks! it was great! But I'm ok, just messed up a few toes, I have 8 more where they came from anyways. after that and the home stay, we went to Sihanoukville, where i am now. we went to the public beach yesterday and it was today we went to the private one, it's owned by a hotel, and we had a good time. yesterday we went snorkeling. we went out on this dinky boat, very authentic, to some islands in the Gulf of Thailand. we got to the beach on the island and went swimming. i didn't realize there were these big rocks under the water (they were laterite too, the extra hard stone used to build angkor wat) and i slashed my foot open. to add to that, my phone fell in the water!

we also went to the market today. it was alright, but there were some hilarious shirts in English. one said "Don't mafia. Me violate probation!" hilar and a half. i was going to get it but it looked ugly on, too much side ruching.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


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I just had legit Cambodian Barbecue, which included eating snake, ostrich, and crocodile, yum!

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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

thailand pics

homemade chopsticks!

Bamboo rafting